free hit counter

spread this flyer around even though there is a typo in it.

so i kept bragging about my new clothes high over gchat to fil and he said he had to get something new too, we went to winners and he got a really cute cardigan (i found it) and a pair of shoes, and i found this cardi for 10 bucks!

i’ll probably wear it tonite.

this is what is happening outside in the park right now, too bad there isn’t a hill around for miles. this cross country skiing joke is brought to you by the letters F and U.

i think it’s the same lady who does tai chi.

40 bones yo!

i am jealous.

everytime we go to winners fil comes away with shoes ok not everytime but the majority of the times we go he does, it’s because he tries on a million shirts, sweaters, and hoodies and is unhappy with every single one, despite a lot of them looking pretty good on him, he doesn’t understand that you don’t have to LOVE said item in the store, you can bring it home and add it to your wardrobe rotation and then fall in love with it. he doesn’t get it and most importantly he doesn’t get how much fucking insane he drives me when he is trying to decide on an outfit before we go out and is like i have nothing to wear and all i can do is picture the fifty cardigans he turned down, turns down, EVERY TIME WE GO OUT SHOPPING SPECIFICALLY FOR A CARDIGAN FOR HIM! and so, the needing to get something madness overtakes him and he buys a pair of shoes instead, but still has “nothing” to wear. why can’t he just be like a girl, like me, and buy it all up and then decide later. i could go on more about this.

i’m going to have to do another get rid of shit i don’t wear pillage. i remember before that “clothing” shelf it was just a shoe rack that i piled everything on top of. give me some furniture and i will build a mountain on top of it no problem. i also have five other drawers packed with stuff.

taking a picture of your own ass w/o a mirror is practically impossible.

most depressing salad ever. gabby’s is officially boycotted forever. the salmon was good but everything else was disgusting, the dressing i don’t know what it was trying to be but i know what it tasted like, grapefruit fish barf!

we go there for novelty’s sake typically but last nite there was just something missing and all ’twas revealed was merely a fog of sad.

at least that salad made me lose two lbs overnight.

oh and the bg image right now was an accident i meant it to be the profile picture in my sidebar at the top but plunked it in the wrong part of my template and now i look more of an egomaniac than i normally do.

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