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so i gave a talk at ryerson when? over a month ago, before christmas, and i have a ton of material from it. the kids, ha, students, gave questions to the prof, he gave them to me and i answered as many as i could on the train ride in. instead of allowing it all to go to rot in a document why not share here? i typed this all out on the teeniest mini laptop ever so some responses are a little hackneyed. it would be cool if i knew what hackneyed even meant.

You were young and blogging was pretty new when you started. Why did you start blogging? (you might want to start with a bit of a history of the site)

I have always been a writer, storyteller, blogging was just a natural thing and made sense to me. I saw the potential for success in it. If not for blogging I might already be an established print author by now instead of releasing content daily on the web. Who knows.

What keeps you going? Are there times when you don’t want to update your blog? Can you see an end to your blog?

My own compulsions keep me going. I am addicted. I love it and I am passionate about it. I feel that my stories are interesting and they never stop comin’ in so therefore no my blog will not end. It can dwindle if I get wrapped up in other projects along the way and become too busy but no I don’t anticipate abandoning it completely ever. It’s such a huge part of my life and culture in general. Would a doctor stop being a doctor once he/she made enough money? Writing/art/creating is in my blood so to stop would be stopping my person, my self.

Have you accomplished what you hoped you would when you started? Have you picked up other goals/reasons to feel accomplished along the way?

Yes and no I don’t think I will ever be fully satisfied but I am pretty happy with what i’ve got going on to date. I’ve accomplished for the most part what i’ve set out to do and more things are happening or will be on the horizon (book deal).

Because of your longevity online, are you approached as a potential mentor by other bloggers? If so, how do you deal with such requests?

Yes. I acknowledge all email inquiries (with reason) and frequently dole out advice, I have for years. It’s part of my day, my life. Its how I connect with people. I answer truthfully and use personal experiences when giving advice.

What other advice do fans of the blog ask you for? (ie: advice about relationships?) How do you deal with them?

I respond as honestly as I can, it comes naturally. If something is out of my expertise I fwd to a friend and they impart their wisdom.

You mentioned in a recent post that you considered somebody’s attention stalking: how often do you have to deal with unwanted attention and how do you deal with that?

Daily. Multiple persons are obsessed with hating me. Some days it gets to me and i sit there feeling mind blown by an entire city hating me. Mostly I ignore and delete. Sometimes I make use of the hate mail in form of blog content which begins a discussion.

Have you ever tailored your content in response to reader feedback? If so, how and why?

Meaning taking requests? Sometimes but mostly no, it’s all my way, my vision.

Are there any other observations you would like to share about your relationships with your readers?

Tread cautiously. Don’t reveal too much or names because you never know who you are dealing with, sometimes people can go off the wagon and turns out that person you told so many things in confidence to was actually insane. you must protect yourself.

Is the persona of Raymi essentially Lauren White? How do you keep the two straight in your mind?

They are one and the same. In conversation there is more of a balance whereas in blogging it’s more of a one way conversation so i’m forced to take up the slack for both parties myself and the reader I must try and anticipate their response to what I am saying or their thoughts so most of the time it seems like I am just yelling and being far out there when really i’m just having a dialogue with myself about my day. Consider dr seuss for example, do you think he spoke in green eggs and hamisms all the time in real life? I guess you’d have to ask someone who knows me in real life whether I am my blog personae or not.

What boundaries do you try to maintain (The Globe article mentioned that you were reluctant to talk about your recent split with your fiance, for example) between what you write and your personal life?

I reserve the right for my own privacy when the time calls for it. If there is a family death or crisis or anything I don’t feel like it is an obligation to send out a statement regarding my current affairs though my readers would beg to differ. When you are built-up to be a blogebrity people’s expectations of you increase exponentially though i’m doing nothing different currently than what I was doing a year ago save for personal life changes. People are always expecting more and more and then they call you a fucking narcissist once you acquiesce. You just can’t win, basically. Though it doesn’t matter cos once you reach this point of un-adultered attention it doesn’t matter what you reveal or how, everyone’s got their minds made up already.

A lot of attention has been paid recently to people who regretted something they had posted online (because it interfered with a relationship or getting a job or whatever). Has that ever been an issue for you?

I answered this question recently and cannot place where. Anyway no. the line of work im after doesn’t require I play the game so to speak. I’ve always done things my way and if you don’t accept me for it then it was nice not working with you.

What introduced you to blogging? (Were you following a trend or were you an early adopter?)

early adopter – vice – raymi the minx began there (hahah this is as far as i got tired of answering this question)

How old were you?


How long have you been doing it?

Nov 28 will be 9 year blog anniversary

What was your goal of the blog when you first started?

To exploit myself, to make a name for myself, to get published, to build my own brand/empire.

Was there any influence in writing your blog since you’re one of the first people to have a blog?

Im related to jack kerouac so compulsive stream of conscious writing is literally in my blood and on the road influenced me big time. i put it down and went well, that’s that then.

Do you consider your blog successful?


How do you feel about the success (or lack of it)?

Outwardly ambivalent somewhat yet secretly proud. If its not as successful as it should be I have my own self to blame

Before you started blogging, did you do something similar? Like write journal entries in a diary? What was your creative “outlet”?

Ive kept journals since I was 11, I have stacks of them.

What keeps you going?

A hope, a belief system that sometimes makes absolutely no sense to me some of the time while others it is the one thing that makes most sense in my life and It’s how I make sense of my life.

How often do you check your blog and update it?

Multiple times daily.

Are there times when you don’t want to update your blog?


Do you see yourself still blogging 10 years from now?


Can you see an end to your blog?

No and yes – I see it evolving and growing along with me

What will you do after the blog ends?

I never said it was going to end but if it did it would be for good reasons and I would be doing whatever made me end it. Growing new fingers?

Is blogging your full time gig (source of income) or just an enormously successful hobby?

It so totally is not a hobby. I am tired of answering this invasive question. Some months are good some months are not. And I do have other means of getting by. Ads. My art. Side jobs that are too boring to blog about, also private.

How lucrative is blogging for you? If it is your full time gig, how long did it take before you could commit to doing it professionally? (when were you first able to make a living off of it?)

I have always been committed before during and after lucracy

How much of your time is dedicated to blogging? If it’s not your full time gig, how do you fit it in to your schedule?

When I wake up I plug in and keep going until every last piece of email has been read, replied to and a post or two has been blogged. I try to lighten the load on weekends tho that doesn’t always pan out.

What is your process like? Do you edit what you’ve written before you post- or do you just sit down and publish whatever comes to mind?

I d/l my photos go thru them and come up with one liners regarding what I did the day before. Sometime things are planned, most times not. ill sit down with zero ideas then one photo could evoke a super long tangent out of nowhere and off I go.

Do you plan ahead a general idea of what you might be posting about in the next few days? Or is everything an immediate reaction to the day’s events?

Typically it’s an immediate reaction

Is there anything that you regret posting?

Not really. Publish then move on to the next embarrassing TMI story.

You’ve been blogging for a long time, do you ever go back and review your old posts? If so, how do you feel about them in retrospect? Do you ever go back and look at something you posted when you were 16 and just cringe?

Eyeroll more than cringe. I get over things quickly for the most part. Sometimes it is irritating when a hardcore follower references something I wrote when I was 19 and takes it to heart and uses it against me like once i was being emo and self-diagnosed myself as having borderline personality disorder. i wrote that when i was high and self-indulgent (not much has changed) but anyway i am not BPD so yeah, be careful what you say and make sure people get your voice/tone.

Have you ever used your blog/fame to influence people in your favour?

I don’t follow. Like PETA?

Have you accomplished what you hoped you would when you started?

Yes and no (stop asking this)

Have you picked up other goals/reasons to feel accomplished along the way?


Who would you say this blog is for? Like who are you targeting? Who continues to read your blog? How did your followers find out about you?

First and foremost it is for me and I am targeting everyone and I am doing that by being myself and not following anyone else’s rules/standards. My reach is pretty far but a large part of my demographic is women of all ages 20-40 range. Men too. Because i’ve been around so long a time. time is how people find you.

Do you get more positive or negative feedback from your blog?

70/30 70 pos 30 neg

Do you ever worry about who is going to read what you say or what other people might say about you/your posts?

Slightly but it doesn’t stop me.

Did your parents ever read your blog? Do they have issues with it?

My mom read it for a long time and then my dad began to recently. No issues, they’re super proud.

Do your friends ever get annoyed of you taking photos all the time and posting them?

Those ones are long gone now. some friends are all about it, while some are specifically for it (not real friends). it depends who you’re with. if someone is irritated by me stopping to take a picture of a turd they can just fuck off then. bloggers take a lot of shit from everybody and it isn’t right, or fair. people can be really catty for no fucking reason.

Do you ask for their permission before adding a picture to your site?


Have you lost any friends or family about what they read on your blog?

not really. probably? i know it gets talked about a looooot. doesn’t matter what i write about it’s that i write period. some people have massive issues with the internet (stupid people) and being public on it. it’s more to do with them than me so i make a point to disclude them entirely to turn the knife a little bit. you don’t like it what’s that? oh ok you don’t exist here. nothing is ever a big deal until somebody makes it one. i talked shit about a girl once and a mutual shit disturbing acquaintance told her about it, she printed out the post and confronted me about it in the pub. awkward. i felt bad but nothing i said was incorrect and i never mentioned her name. if anything she got a rude-awakening about being a totally obnoxious lush.

How do you go about counteracting a false or negative statement?

by addressing it and clearing it up. sometimes i don’t at all bother. if people are going to drag my name through the mud to attempt a reaction, they don’t deserve my time. i don’t see the fruitfulness in having a go with me or anybody who has nothing to do with you or your life. it shows true colours is all, and your true colour stinks.

Did people ever recognize you on the street (and talked to you/ acknowledged it?)

yes lots but in the city of toronto you’re not supposed to acknowledge famous people. you’re supposed to secretly snicker at them for some reason. when i get approached i know that the person does not actually reside in toronto haha.

Are there any other observations you would like to share about your relationships with your readers?

we go way back. we are a demented co-dependent family and they love me because i am their headcase poster child and i love them because they love me. the end.

How do you view modern art? What is your definition of ‘art’?

(these ones i didn’t get a chance to answer so answering them now)

um i think it’s wonderful and terrible and hilarious. there’s a huge divide in “the scene” between art kids and music kids and whatever kids, fashion kids? but they all try to mesh and the awkwardness is palpable. i think art kids are the best partiers but they are also the snarkiest. music kids are borderline nerdy. fashion is well, obnoxious. it’s not about the art, it’s the people behind it, cos anyone could make art but it takes a special kind of pretentious bravery to pile up a bunch of inanimate objects, surround it in fluorescent orange safety tape, pin black hearts to a corner wall and call it an installation. then everyone gets together and gets wasted around it. it’s a joke, a literal joke, or isn’t, and the ones who rule are the ones in on all of it.

Do you consider your blog art?

sure yeah maybe? i certainly make art to capitalize on my fame. is writing art? no that’s poetry. i dunno. people like to say i am an artist cos there is no other nice word for me aside from verbal diarrheaist. ok yes i am an artist and i know this because i take special care, precision if you will, in everything that i do from brushing my teeth to putting an outfit together, painting my face, walking around a supermarket. it is all an elaborate show. not elaborate, but a show. i am pretty vain in the sense that i care about my looks and will purposely dress a certain way, walk a certain way, or style my hair to get a reaction. so in a sense i am art. holy fucking pretentious.

ok i’m ending it here for now, there are too many more Qs to get through.

26 thoughts on “snuh-ore

  1. I honestly think the reason why people always ask about your income and whether your blog pays for your lifestyle is cus they are jealous.

    I don’t know one person who wouldn’t love to make money from their blog, like any money at all! Even if it was enough to pay for a beer! To get paid for something you would do anyway is an insane win IMO. You should be super proud <3

  2. the answer to 99 out of 100 questions is money. it is the bottom line. of all the questions i’m asked it is the only one people focus most on which is stupid cos they won’t see a fucking nickel if they don’t heed all my other tips. if everyone could do this everyone would do this.

  3. somewhat but i dont use the proper fingers but for that particular laptop i had to look cos the buttons are super teeny. more like spazz typist.

  4. Additional questions:

    You refer to “kids”: i.e. “art kids”, “music kids”, etc. However, your obvious ambition, as well certain sub textual inferences that can be drawn from your writings on the blog, indicate more of an adult sophistication at work: a Grown-Up Sensibility, if you will. At times it’s hard to tell if the blog is being genuinely or jokily juvenile, if the juvenile aspects of what’s presented are 100% genuine or if they are being played up for humorous effect (duh). So: larger question being, any intuitive road map for the tone of the blog? Any chance of you, Lauren, getting All Serious on us in upcoming years? Is The Book going to be Serious, in contrast to the oftentimes Woo Hoo tone of the blog?

    Probably no chance of getting you to address this particular brand of invasive inquiry, but here goes: the inquisitive mind just can’t help wondering: is there a like Huge Rift now, re: & between d. summerfield and apparent erstwhile (?) chums such as phil/pitt/all those kinds of people? Dave seems like a mature, decent, and gentle soul; as opposed to being a self-absorbed, self-aggrandizing poseur/hurt bag/egoist, so maybe it’s a moot question. Gets back, I suppose, to the notion of People in Real Life Behaving As Adults. Then again, people can be given too much credit.

    Anywho. Cheers young lady.

  5. i am always half-serious. my book will be exactly like my blog writing in terms of tone and matter-of-fact earnestness, i can’t/won’t say anything further because it will give everything away. as per the second half, what do YOU think realistically happened? people break up and then so do their friends, they pick sides. many haven’t though. why don’t you ask them yourself? i do not get paid enough to kim kardashian myself on this blog so going into detail about such things is not worth my time.

  6. Holy repeat questions!!

    You keep a lot of things secret which is good, that means you are doing your job well. I have a million questions about your blog and life in my head but who has time to ask everything? Who needs knows EVERYTHING about a person?

    I do have one question that I was surprised wasn’t asked:Have you been approached by a talent scout to do some professional modeling, or have you ever felt compelled to become a model, and how do you feel about that?

  7. i am too old to be a model and not skinny enough. true i have a unique look but it doesn’t really work that way i’d have to pursue it more with my agency and update my photos (hair keeps getting lighter) if i wanted to do print work, which i do. maybe someday.

  8. fair enough, it was a pot-stirring question and borderline obnoxious, not unlike a question some douchey “journalist” would and has posed to you. a wonder that or whatever isn’t furnishing the requisite pay grade increase to make way for just such kk-esque outcomes, though; who knows, maybe those offers have been made, or maybe the TV industry there is more sane/less craven than what emanates from NYC/LA. it points to a larger question of what ultimate degree of fame you would be willing to entertain and at what price.

  9. exactly. yet most claim that it is easy as pie. we are all hard-wired differently. whats work to you isn’t to others, and the other way around.

  10. There is a right time right place piece too. This blog is, for a bunch of reasons that may or may not be interesting to dissect, a pretty effective mirror. My take is that we read blogs, often, and relate based on the stuff that we have in common. Raymi is a character that is fun to follow, a handy distraction, sometimes, and also an individual willing to say, “Hey look at me look at you looking at me looking at YOU!”

  11. “gave a talk at Ryerson” WTF??? What was it for? I love how you just drop it like, “Yeah, I was just droppin’ in at Ryerson for a quick chat with them, no big…” Dude.

  12. mark maybe you should have been paying more attention a month or so ago whenever it happened ha. it was to a modestly-sized class i think they were networking and social uh, something (i’ll get back to you/doesn’t matter) or other? prof saw me in globe, contacted me and voila paid to talk about myself for an hour and sweat profusely.

  13. “I don’t follow. Like PETA?” Ha! The “…but is it ART?” question, good gawd, I’m sure one could think of a million different answers for that. “wonderful and terrible and hilarious”–good answer!

  14. when i started reading your blog i was interested in you as a person, interested in your life
    now im as interested in where the blog is going and how people react to it
    can you do a geographic breakdown of readers?
    huge canadian bias?

  15. drill down 300 60.00% Canada Canada
    drill down 172 34.40% United States United States
    drill down 8 1.60% Australia Australia
    drill down 7 1.40% United Kingdom United Kingdom
    drill down 2 0.40% Ireland Ireland
    drill down 2 0.40% New Zealand New Zealand
    drill down 1 0.20% Argentina Argentina
    drill down 1 0.20% Chile Chile
    drill down 1 0.20% Jersey Jersey
    drill down 1 0.20% Estonia Estonia
    drill down 1 0.20% Germany Germany
    drill down 1 0.20% Czech Republic Czech Republic
    drill down 1 0.20% France France
    drill down 1 0.20% Japan Japan
    drill down 1 0.20% Brazil Brazil

  16. Sorry, I usually read every day, but sometimes you drop news like that very subtlely, casually… you’re not “an announcer” from what I’ve seen… like “I’m moving back!” Only people who read your blog carefully would pick up on that.

    That being said, I am glad you’re using your powers of blog for awesome and not for suck.

  17. thanks mark. i know i mentioned it modestly a few times when it went down. next time i will hire a sky-writer plane to fly over the bridge you sleep under and spell it out.

  18. ouch.

    On a side note, I’ve noticed there is someone else who writes comments on your blog under the name Mark; therefore in the future, I will write my comments under my true, spirit name “Moon Daddy.”

    Thank you.

  19. oh fuck yourself shit stain. my mother’s maiden name IS kerouac. you do not deserve to hear the fucking truth so piss off algonquin college, go back to class.

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