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go home allison

allison‘s going away party. seriously, go away.

i look like a muppet.

new shade of red looks good.

i grabbed all these coasters cos the table was sticky/wet from the round of shots gill bought and our pitcher. no napkins or anything.

thanks to ME gill got her wallet back, didn’t even know she dropped it under the table i just happened to look under there cos people (me) kept moving my purse from chair to chair. lucky girl.

brozs7 quit his job tom cruise nervous breakdown styles in jerry maguire. ok not exactly but anyway, he’s a free man now.

i need to get a picture of the back of that dress jumper. allison i love your peach pumps.

bahahaha what can we call our band? and what the hell am i doing with my feet?

cadillac got a makeover. i hadn’t been there in ages.

this nite brad went from zero to wasted out of nowhere. funny.

yeah it was old even as we were doing it.

i think i tanned the day before?

stop showing off your stamp tattoo liam no one cares. jokes jokes.

haha coincidentally perfect random follow-up photo.

haw ha cadillac lounge get it?

hey liam old sport. i am glad that you are getting older.

i did not take this, i have no idea how to spell his name but dude is awesome.

brad remember what i said about commenting on my blog, you can do it.

this was extremely hilarious to me at the time and it still is, oh no the big black velvet rope please don’t reject me, pfft.

ACK! (cathy voice) this is killing my eyes right now.

drunkest pool game ever, they were playing in a molasses vortex. liam was waiting for the table to open yet didn’t put down a loonie so some other guy with a toque sitting on his head (hardcore) did.

they were pathetic, but a great show. the older guy could barely light a smoke yet whipped this aviator guy’s ass. liam narrated the entire thing from the sidelines, didn’t hold back at all. kid’s got balls.

i nursed two watered down pints with gingerale and ice (shandy) and had one shot of golds (i refuse REFUSE rEFUsE jager) but am still so wasted. oh wait we had a beer with our burritos. anyway, i’m a wicked light weight now.

click for teh awesome.

that hocked loogie sure brings out the green in your shoes.

original. red scarf + green shoes = christmas you knob.

then we hopped over to wrongbar to catch foxfire once matt had successfully nagged the shit out of me enough to go.

we bulldozed through the vip section cos we thought gill was working at that bar. wasn’t.

i like that girl’s get-up.

this guy scuba-dive tumbled backwards over the railing into us/the couch.

mom’s gettin’ impatient.

hey gill! her eyes always come out like laser beams in my photos cos her pupils are a very light blue. unfair.

lindsey, also prey to the laser beam eye photo syndrome.

hey are you two discussing what free drinks to give us?

LOVE the red/blue skirt. is it AA?

brosz7 we need to talk about wearing that jacket indoors when you are sweating your facial hair off. hey what are you slipping into your pocket there? blame it on good friday (boozestore closed) and the cupboards being dry.

welp, at least he died happy.

we’re gonna miss you allison! xoxo

11 thoughts on “go home allison

  1. yeah i love the stockings i’m having a hard time picturing you wearing them. allison’s going away’er was first so you will have to wait a little bit longer.

  2. <3 I will see you tomorrow for our ANTM date… there we shall discuss what to name our band.

    Thank you for documenting my shindig and I hope you had fun – I felt like there were so many ppl there that I didn’t actually get any one-on-one with anyone. Blerg.


    p.s. the much-captured skunk’s name is DJ Medal Lion. For the record.

  3. the booky wook is top notch, dude is a comedian mess, easy read, though dark at times. all-rounder when bored/hung. also he goes to where i live in london while wasted on class a’s and describes it as a black hole. spot oooon.

  4. Russell Brand’s Booky Wook is actually a pretty good read, you should definitley read it… though, obviously you do have to actually like Russell Brand or I’m sure it would be tedious as hell :P

  5. yay brad! and allison your attention and reassurance paying to my person’s requirements and overall intuitive knowledge of my needyness was very sweet. pretend that was in english.

  6. Sorry I missed you at Wrongbar, clearly I was not paying enough attention to my surroundings!
    The blue/red skirt isn’t aa…we make similar ones but shorter and more fitted (of course). But they only come in weird colours.

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