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Whatcha G’wan blog today Napoleon?

ooh look, gina posted about my blythe tattoo. scroll.

see mom, my gap is closin’!

the creeper onesie pose pictures CREEP ME OOT man i must have some kinda weird dr.seuss suppressed fear shoved deep down or something. the tea towel on the floor behind me is from spilling vitamin water all over myself and floor.

pants time out.

ok so, evidently i’ve won, they officially announce the winners tomorrow. they have to go through votes to see if any of you guys cheated and assuming you didn’t, it’s win win win.

now i, for the most part, have refrained from slagging my competitors (actually, my competition’s readers once they make the first dig) i just read a few of the comments and LOL’d to myself over them, not worth it right – good material maybe? anyway, i will not name names but now that the shit is over i have noticed one of my running mates has complained about what they would blog about now that the awards were over. WHAT!? this person barely updated their blog three times during the election (what else do i call it?) and when they did just linked to other posts and other such junk, uh, you call that blogging, or a read, material? basically, you barely blogged during the competition, so what the hell is your blog like when nothing’s going on?

a TRUE blogger, sorry, DIARIST, always has stories up their sleeve, posts like a fiend DAILY, multiple times if possible, and never ever complains about not having anything to write. so all the readers of said blog, well, all blogs against me really, who scratched their fucking heads and declared WHY GOD WHY IS THIS RAYMI WINNING? i am SO confused! the answer is simple, simpleton. love me or hate me, i’m always here shitting all over the netz for you, i am reliable, i am loyal to you and you are to me (or you are loyal in your hatred of me, whatever, thanks for the hits) point being, i am the “best” diarist because i am content overload city.

lets take a look at some of these little wiener musings now, shall we?

G in Berlin said…

I can’t believe people voted for Raymi- it’s such a boring, silly blog. I guess it appeals to silly young drinkers. I just can’t relate. Even when I was younger, I was far more serious. In fact, more serious than I am now.

you know what G? i don’t make the rules, just set the standards. people want to follow a person who actually DOES THINGS and habitually reports on them, people enjoy humour, they like visuals and react positively to stimuli, how interesting is seriousness? god, and how fun are you at dinner parties too? oh right, you ARE german so i guess this makes sense. zzzzz. (and by “rules” i mean the obvious like, interesting person + interesting life = INTERESTING READ)(people also really give a shit about youth right now, and bright colours (“fashion”) so sorry about that one too, oh yeah, they like music and they like jokes, but i already mentioned humour – THOSE are the rules)

there were some more but i’m already bored and over it so i won’t bother.

ps. light eggnog in lieu of milk in your coffee is great!



Hey Rinky …. Just wanted to congratulate you on your winning the Blog award! Wow .. that’s pretty cool! We’re all proud of you!
( Me, Shawn and Rocky )


rocky is a cat and he is proud of me too, that’s sweet.

what to wear, what to wear, what to wear tonite to this? ideas?

24 thoughts on “Whatcha G’wan blog today Napoleon?

  1. “always here shitting all over the netz” is the best description of blogging I’ve seen (and I mean that in a good way). That’s the way it should be; good, honest textual and visual diahrrea. The runnier the better.

  2. Raymi,

    Congratulations on your victory. On my 5th vote for you I noticed that you won and had 2,321 votes. Terrific! I don’t know if that is a lot of votes or not. I attended a small Catholic college in Southern Maine the 60’s and won the vote for cutest butt on campus with over 26oo votes. My moment of fame for that was when my English professor asked me to stand up and turn around in class.

    I enjoy your blog very much and will always vote for you. I had never looked at Dooce’s blog before your recent mentioning of it during the voting. She is cute but just to normal to be any fun. I’m glad you won.


  3. Who care about that fella G guy!! I love your blog..I spent hours and hours reading your blog..I’m from Malaysian by the way..I’m not good in English though..

  4. Congrats on the win (Easy girl- I’m German, though tempered with Irish….)I drives me fucking bananas when blogs that I follow aren’t updated and all must admit that you rule the roast in that area of blogoliciousness!

  5. Haha, people who think they are serious or mature or intellectual or whatever and then POST ABOUT IT ON THE INTERNET in some sort of FORUM SITUATION automatically void any tiny bit of seriousness or maturity or intellectual-ocity they might have possessed. This is why I love the internet so hard.


  7. Yesss eggnog is fucking fabulous in coffee!! A couple weeks back I ran out of soy milk so subbed soy eggnog in my coffee and mmmm that shite was good.

  8. your blog is my daily mental escape hatch, i have been reading since 2004 and while living in 3 different cities. all the best to you in 2009 and beyond!

  9. rinky comes from rinky ren, which comes from ren which comes from lauren, which comes from colourful family genes.

  10. mr. g in berlin, there’s dostoyevsky for people like you.

    i fail to understand why NOT being SERIOUS is a detriment. i have known neurosurgeons, engineers, scientists and even a couple of FBI employees who would laugh (and drink, apparently) circles around this guy, and yet they still work every day to solve the world’s problems. it’s like this fellow has mistaken having a sense of humor for lack of intellect. the reason i love your blog is that it’s obvious you’ve got brains and are a HUMAN BEING, on top of being superhuman witty.

    i’m glad you won.

  11. Congratulations on winning Raymi, and thanks for the reminders to vote. I really enjoy reading your blog every day. I admire you all the way from Australia (it was 41 degrees Celsius here the other day).

  12. Too bad I can’t be serious and mature. I mean, I only have a Master’s degree, so I must be a total idiot.

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