Ain’t no party like an art farty
It’s your night Raymbecca lets get married! Got her roses and jewels and lots of white shells and sand from Aruba who am I your best friend or something?? Jules got some swag too (matching yellow bracelet the ones I always wear 4 of at the same time) but she is leaving the family so :(, not as many shells as Rebecca. She came straight from the airport to bar though. That’s our little star. Her luggage.
She said yes obvs before I even actually proposed she popped that ring right on THE FINGER at Cardinal Rule and then told everyone we were in a relationship now haha. I wore that ring on tv shoot yesterday, buying it in Aruba and hagglin’ the price straight down, yes I did. Okay back to the art party. I believe there’s lots of hangovers out there today. TGIF!
I misplaced MY cougar ring yesterday I hope I find it in my purse later on. It’s made from an avocado pit! Carved from one. Mine looks like this.
Look at all these civilized people sitting down. Raymbo don’t play that, can’t. Too hyper. Hey Kaori!
Really really really love this one. Total steal.
This is the one though.
And this wall is to die for.
I like how Sarah dances with her purse still on and by like I mean hate. I tried to boss it off her, come on relax a little, nope, no takers. Fine then. Our crew of girls is comprised of bossy little women omg exhausting all surrounding men as well as hugely intoxicating them. Right! right!
I hope that’s a dance move Bech I’m going to throw up these pics on your tumblr as well. I hope you don’t throw up today on camera lol. “I’m drunk right now what do you think about that?” Had the most hilar phonecall with her earlier. She said she gave one word answer only. Great.
I just want to be liked.
I slouched cos I was cutting off the sign.
Total dance outfit. I’m buying this dress off Allison. No brainer right? No brains either. The first time wearing that vintage necklace out. I bought it in Kensington market.
Bradley Cooper showed up.
Asian feves with M. Kim holla.
Our band rules.
MJ vision.
Hello the spanish dancer raymbotainment has arrived. Even my toes are cute.
Make it rain money.
And dance moves. Raymbecca is being interviewed about me right now I hope she makes me look good (of course she will) and I hope she gives them a massive Bechnique dose so we get our own show out of this. I am sure Jules was hilarious this morning. Mom was too sick to do it. Next time mom. Follow @Raymi Smother btw LOL. She’s a MILF. Insert the hashtag #MILF in to your twitter bio (that I wrote when I started her account years ago) A nerd, please help her.
Now where were we? It has been the craziest week of my life. I am like this 0_o also like this ()_(.) bahaha and like this too 8====3— haha just kidding. ps. #retroraymi. What am I thinking there? I remember that photo being taken.
Blinkity. I went as Bech’s snotty publicist bitch, her number 2. Seen here getting, down.
Well played.
Look at whispers protectively holding on to Rebeque. His secret nickname bequeathed by me is finally out of the bag that was a lot of explaining to do. Bech this feels like your birthday party post. Anyway, whispers said I was looking REALLY GOOD and made his eyeballs all man crazy severe when he said it so I was very extremely complimented. He bought one of my fav Bech paintings too. Dammit. It’s the one with our overlapping tit smushes. Too bad Jules wasn’t in town for that painting party, hers are out of control.
What is this a Bat Mitzvah? YES. Carry me on a fucking chair next time will ya? OMG HUGE BAT MITZVAH ENVY BIG TIME.
Having eyes that match the wall isn’t fair.
Oh Sarah.
Plus here, right here. Where?
HeadCandy Salon was out on the scene representing their gay marriage haha kidding. HC is going to do Jules before she leaves town for SF it will be a parting gift kay booboodoodoo? Steve was like you have another part of Yay Cray, a 20 year old, just out of braces? Yes, we are THAT awesome. She’s my protege and we are sending her back to school. Hey can I crash your dorm? haha.
OMG we get it Sarah lol. Fun fun night! Fun is my new word don’t even try to steal it.
Another gift Raymbecca got was my princess bed. Not for keepsies but for realsies. Her other frame was scary to sleep in and makes your spine go like a potato bug’s. Scoliolioliosis!
Okay I got shit ta do so this will be a two-parter special.

BRB and good DJ skills as uje Sean W! I missed you all so very much!!!
Get lifted from raymi lauren on Vimeo.
Congrats on your art show Becky, and thanks for taking my spot on Cosmo TV. I’m so full of snot right now and have no voice. But missed giving them the juice on Raymi, hopefully next time.
Bradley Cooper, Cool, did you know hes about to make Hangover Three?
Anymore Aruba Posts, now thats where its at!
I knew you would say that you jealous child. Yes mom I have not even made a dent in the coverage.
raymi that dress screams tokyo ghetto pussy which i crib from an ex GF of mine whose friend calld her that once
its also very blade runner meets the set of mean girls
and you wear it well god good work
paul rudd jr
No “ghetto pussy” here bro. That shit is sweet like H O N E Y. Also don’t talk to me like that final warning.
Why you such a hater of the purse? I’m wearing an ugly mountain co-op back pack next time.
dancing in it in my personal space or hitting other drunk chicks in a teeny dance space im very greedy ill have you know!!
that bed looks well made and cozy
Johnny: “This is my dance space. This is your dance space. I don’t go into yours, you don’t go into mine.”
-RIP P. Swayze