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Lets talk Turkey


YUM. If you want this right now go to Cheese Boutique. I’m not supposed to say free food cos then all the cheapskates come out but, free food! 12-4. TODAY RIGHT MEOW!

I like hearing backstories about CB employees. I don’t know anything about this guy. Those tomatoes are pretty.


Turkish tea. Didn’t have any, was prior to the casby’s and I was nervous as hell.

FPP foundress Diane. She is a doll and has the cutest face like one, right. Tony mr. baby boomer extraordinaire.

Those are poached shrimps with cheese. Delicious.

How much do I blend with these surroundings.

My hair is like a wizard’s you should see it right now I got my roots done yesterday. It looks like it is emanating from out of my head not at all attached. I love making fun of myself so bad I think I am the most interesting ever right? ugh.

Oh there he is.

I look like crap in all these pics I was a million miles away in my head but this party helped season me for the Casby’s so I’m grateful to it.

Hug it out. Diane told me how generous the Ford’s were at the charity dinner.

You can barely see my roots at all. I am a psycho.

The blond lady in the blue said she follows me and that I would be following her soon. Intriguing. I love that fire. She said she was a wop and I go PERFECT. Wasps and wops so totally go together (one of my top ten raymism sayings), we’re both full of it. She pondered that and agreed. My hand is on Muffy’s back, Tony said didya see Muffy? I say who Muffy mouse?

Here she is warning me of her excellence. That is so Raymi. hiya!

I look like I am going t make a gingerbread house.

This guy is a VBD. very big deal. James Chatto. He just started blogging too and I go oh great have fun pushing that boulder up a hill. In foodie world there are all these people to know, like tech bloggy blog world. Luckily I know many little birds who tell me many little things on top of my own personal interests pertaining to food celebrity and what not.

I can remember the very first times I visited CB and lookit me now. Slainte!

It fell out of the case so then became a prop. You run pepperettes or any kind of sausage beneath a faucet for thirty seconds and the cold water separates it whole and you can pull it off like a snake shedding its skin. EW. When I cook at home I say out loud everything that I am doing and it’s surprising how much I know and how little teacher does. THIS, is salt. you sprinkle it in the water. Hahaha. Just kidding.

Ew I look like the ugly Jordy girl on BB UK when they gave her 5 spray tans (it’s so mean but funny she’s so dumb!!!!) look at my neck, no, don’t. That dress brings the orange on my makeup. I pancaked it on for the cameras DUH. No not this one.

An ice ring to hold that beer. Pure class. When I cut through the middle there I yelled VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE COMING THROUGH. Blazer guy was like yeah yeah hahaha I”m sure.


Watch your fingers dude!

Nice to meat you.

I can tell I am a bit off here. I was really nervous and going to be late for the camera crew yet really wanted to stay at this party and stuff my face.

We will work on my poses in CB for next time. Looking up directly into camera will wipe my tired eyes.

James and I got a look in to the barrel that houses this cheese that I don’t know anything about other than I said it’s SO Pirates of the Caribbean right and James chuckled so he might think I am really funny or really stupid I dunno.

This is the part where I make a little joke about Afrim. The Grid did a thing on Cheese Boutique and Afrim. I don’t have time to read it i already know that he is cheese master and France came and had a special ceremony and I know this because I am obsessed with Medieval times. Both the place and the time.

Lets do a loop lap.

I spy an FPP pic. There’s all kinds of artifacts hanging around. Hey do you guys wanna hang my Marco Pierre white Apron? it is in our fridge crisper still cos the parmesan residue is going bad ughhh.

Me and the hot Turkey sandwich I mean consul. This is as close as I got to him before running away, I got half as close as this to Douglas Coupland once at his art show in the distillery (MY HERO) and chickened out of saying hi. There’s picture in my archives of it too. LOSER! Oh look here it is I found the post

That’s him back there the head popping up and that’s me, just like me and the Turkish Consul. Two ships passing in the night bet he never even saw me.

An old friend neat to see him doing the foodie circuit too I can tell he’s suspicious yet impressed by my standing (competitive jealousy) in this wild world of big personalities and big food, we’ve bumped into each other before and he tweets. It just makes me feel how my very first boyfriend reacted to my going to see Metallica (F- YEAH!!!) at 14 with my best girlfriend Jesse cos this dork at school liked her and his dad got him 4 tickets. We finagled some floor bracelets for both of us and I crowd-surfed even. TWICE! I brought back my bf a tour book (it was like $40 which is a lot at molson amphitheatre and for a grade 9er) but anyway he felt I didn’t deserve to go cos he was the mega-fan and I’m a girl. yeah you liked them first but I liked Metallica a long ass time too, hello I have an older brother. You’ll be happy to know that this will happen again TO-VERY-DAY cos it’s the 90’s reunion party and I can talk about my upcoming performing on a bill with tokyo police club and F-D up for a NIRVANA TRIBUTE all while dressed like a ska skinhead gf. OOh it’s gonna be lovely, that. Hey wait teacher said that’s the reason for this party today ahahah I am a dough head.

See the Turkish Airline there and see how I am creating a barrier from Teacher and this guy? Haha I’m inventing drama. Everyone is so nosy too, how do you know so-and-so and who was that?

I had like 6 of these.

This is my friend from the table at the fpp party. she is my people as in, crazy endearing hippie lady.

OMG the baklava room. they were like matchsticks so yummy.

Turkish delight too. mint and regular. so nice.

The cheese party with France in their living room with swords and scrolls and funny hats and jester shoes I bet. Dude behind me looks like total secret service right?

OK bye!

An employee was like 0_o at me and I yelled I’M TAKING THIS AND THERE’S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! People think they hallucinate me. I am stealth. Crazy always gets ignored.

It’s a Fiat.

So dopey but how I match so perfectly. I am a genius.

K bye now xoxox have a great Saturday!

12 thoughts on “Lets talk Turkey

  1. Oh man I love Turkish food! Lived with amazing Turkish family in Paris who own a restaurant and they kept me alive with their amazing food and hospitality.

    And Douglas Coupland is the nicest guy, helped cater private event at this house and every guest had the most amazing absurd goodie bags to take home of his own tickle trunk!

    Ok I’m done. But I’ve never been to Cheese boutique, on my to do.

  2. OMG ……… the blond look is awesome, but the dark haired Raymi in the pic you put up is “wickedly awesome” …

    probably not something you want to hear …..

    hahahahaha who am I anyway

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