Over everybody until they are under me.

Hi world I am back, still angry but not as much. Don’t blog angry I always say. Never say. Just said to myself in the kitchereeno rolling a dewb. Today just feels like there aren’t enough hours in it which makes me bitchy and the time change plus staying up longer because of this extra hour, I dunno. Also I lost five pounds ahah so my body is out-control I am giving up on dieting and just living my life that’s how I will lose weight by eating cupcakes and being happy. Sick plan bro.

Okay I’m going to stop talking about myself for a bit now. I took the girls to see Ginger and Rosa last night. Bloggers and media and brainy hipster influencer chicks get to see premieres before everybody else because then they go home and write hyper-focused and detailed accounts of the film that they saw. I was grilled in the car ride home about why we got to see that movie before everybody else and it was funny copping a buzz and saying any retarded fucking reason I wanted because social media arrived out of thin air and there are probably endless reasons why I’m an influencer which was not the question posed but yeah, I like the arty dark stuff, I know Jen, my blog is media I guess then there’s the brand Smörgåsbord getting in on it but really there’s a huge movie scene in Toronto which is one of the places Sally Potter’s movie premiered like a blink of an eye gone again until the rest will see the film at month’s end and I will be in Aruba the movie will catch like wildfire, memes will be created, quotes, tumblr-spreads and animated .gifs – seeing it first is a privilege and special offering to in-crowd and movies leave indelible marks on the psyche, hallmark cult classics you never forget where you were and when you first saw it.

Tracey and Lolo are a bit like Ginger and Rosa to me. They’ve been fighting lately. Things have been stressful, rough, long winter, I hear that everyone is suffering in their own way to get through it so we are not alone, world, that’s comforting. I thought the triad should get back together again, Lois kept saying it was our comeback ahah like Tina Turner? And who are you saying that to anyway? Just kidding. We had a smashing good time and 40 Argentinians were staring at us and winking all throughout our couch hang. We went up to Panorama because I wanted them to see it so we stayed for a drink and some flourless chocolate cake. Mom thinks it felt like New York.

Toronto looks good with a chandelier on it. In the day the view is fabulous I have a blog post if you google raymitheminx panorama you can find it.

I wonder how pissed Dakota is that her sister gets all the indie gigs and she gets Twilight roles, aside from crying all the way to the bank, pissed off? I mean, she paved the way for Elle Fanning. Thanks for the Evian, Evian. Some vodky may or may not have slipped in to mine.

The triad is going to Aruba for 2 weeks. It was my intention to float away forever there, turn into a brown raisin, and die. Channeling Nicolas Cage in Leaving Las Vegas which I’ve never actually seen but insist upon detailed accounts of from friends who have seen it. Anywhooters I haven’t accomplished enough for suicide/disappearance yet so RELAX YOUR FACE. The point is I am going to Atlanta for a bounty of trubs beforehand so I can press pause on screaming at the sky until winter’s duration ends. I’ve had wanderlust since September. Single people SHOULD travel. I’ve done enough loafing so now it is time to make tracks. BTW I just found out our magician frenemy in Aruba isn’t there anymore so now I can’t be sawed in half. Wahh.

Nip slip dammit. I have 40 pics like this. I didn’t notice because I was paying attention to looking skinny. I forgot to buy spanx yesterday. Guys if you are fine with embracing a fat hero I am totally fine with turning in to Jessica Simpson fat ahha.

Jk I’m going to yoyo until I’m a skeleton again and hopefully get lyposuction in Fatlanta.

I asked Sally Potter if she was Ginger or Rosa? She hemmed and hawed of course then said Ginger. I’m not going to spoil it but obvi Ginger is the one who gets betrayed so it really is a yin & yang sort of flick. Annette Benning is a treasure as well, I love her. Perfect. It’s a period movie set in ’62 so nostalgia original gangster hipster ground zero, a mental holiday flick and I took turns looking at my mom’s face and my godmother’s, we had a really good time, bonding like bananas in the super front row right in front of the chairs where the Director herself Sally Potter would sit and we would be guaranteed answers to our questions posed only to just talk to her as I “got” her entire film, it turned conversational and mom and I got a few questions each. It was moving and inspiring to see a woman who dedicated herself to something for four years, something artistic packed with emotion and lessons, relatable pain. We’re all kinda emo right now so it’s comforting to get lost in other people’s pain. AND these two broads were born around the time of this movie’s setting – I knew some shit might hit home for Trace and Lo. Mom said she’s Ginger. Everybody is Ginger I think.

Get yourself thigh high boots. Shannon “wants to take care of these” while I’m in Aruba ahaha oh please.

Old news sorry I kind of liked it. My boobs btw are bigger it’s ridonkulous I’d think I was preggers had I not blasted in months! Longest dry spell ever I may as well write stand-up about it. I am equal parts proud of myself and a robot. COOL. Cool?

I went on a hilarious date here before oh that’s right you’ll probably pull that blog post up if you google raymitheminx panorama as well ahahahha omg I had blond hair and a lot of extensions in. If the photos don’t appear tell me and I’ll re-html them for you #iamaniceguy.

For her dating profile go and get it boys.

Omg that shirt is so adorable. Lois has EVERYTHING. Every dream girly shirt you could ever want. Bangin’.

We caught up on all our gossip and I rapped real talk to her about some of her biz ahha mom likes it cos I cut to the chase and then Lois thinks about it. We are a good pack.

Thanks Jen!

Read this and be underwhelmed.

Me in two weeks. Part of my anger is the photo out of sortsness that ends up making my blog posts aggressive.

Dessert. Not poutine. Not actually burgers but cupcakes omg!

Or closed?

And from this view side.

Smugly stupidly yours, Raymbo.

Ginger and Rosa – Opens in select Canadian Cities March 29th

I get to see this on Monday. I love movies so much right now that’s why I am saying “I get to” and beforethat shopping at Aritzia seeeeeeen. Thanks Jen!

And now I’m writing about this, finishing it I mean. TGIF! So sunny out. Lovely. And it’s International Woman’s day so don’t sass me! Hear how rude that chick was to me. It’s a trade show and people are constantly walking in a stream a steady flow and so I was like don’t ruin my film by walking in to it and manipulatively suggested watch this confetti rain that I am nice enough to share with you and she’s like we are watching. Well fuck you lady! I played it off nice. Listen to her snarly unecessary tone. You try dragging a knockout 11 playboy model around with you all over a trade show and see how you deal with being the invisible one how dare you say we are watching to me like that!!! AHHAhah kay bye.

Froyo Love Froyo Love i would give the stars above

Yesterday She Does the City Maven Jen and I had a trip to fantasy treat world to catch up on life and plough through buckets of Yogurty’s while posing as inconspicuous celebrities in the Froyo Cafeteria and I wanted to check out the newest location at Bathurst and Eglinton. These places are multiplying :) hot diggity.

Now lemme show ya how it’s done I’m a regular and, you may recall I’ve treated myself to some Yogurty’s before. I am a Yogurtease through and through.

I left half my makeup at my dad’s so Jen and I had to share. I don’t think she was clued in that this would be an invasive Rodeo Drive-by paparazzi yogurt spree.

I love their branding. Ha ha in my emails to Jen about Yogurty’s as I was selling them to her I was like, Heck, their website design is miles better than RTM.com come along and see for yourself.

Heheh nice and candid, she’s like, where am I? Heaven, Jen.

I like this futuristic Hello Kitty Jetson’s Cafeteria. Kids these days sure are lucky and luckily I am never planning on growing up. Also I look like a banshee ghost sleep walking in a nightgown or a crazy eccentric lady from the annex. Plus a wizard. Did you get all of that?

I got espresso and wafer flavoured yogurt, topped with cookie dough cubes and cheesecake cubes, some crazy white blobules, strawberries, white chocolate shavings, caramel sauce. Last time I tried to be as healthy as possible. This time? Not a chance.

And for dessert I had Burger King.

Red velvet, ooh. Also the name of one of our new dancers.

This time we filled 3 tubs for the same weight/price as TWO during the last visit. Coming out to about $20. Decent.

Our paparazzi joiner’s meal cooked by cheflette Raymbo Bright. You will eat it and you will like it and you won’t die cos I made sure not to put anything peanut-related and it’s all kosher too in case you have cultural allergies ;).

Appears as though I transferred all the topping’s weight over to my tub. I was going for aesthetics and building a princess sugar mountain.

Jen and I were competing for the best looking Yogurty’s design. She just didn’t know she was in a secret challenge.

This made my day. Happy place indeed.

Classy stylish Willy Wonka of the future, right meow!

No two cups will ever be identical, like snowflakes, full of white chocolate. Quite the indulgence. Looking forward to taking my niece and Mary Lynne to the Burlington location, future Little Raymis that they are.

Didja know that Jen has like 5 sisters, 4? Millions of girl cousins too, they’re all kooky, hip, sweet and endearing then add all the SDTC cult crew of girls and that’s one strong urban female force yeah? Jen and I have been buddies for almost a decade. She’ll be sitting at the head table for my last supper portrait someday hahaa. How funny and fast is that idea going to be ripped off, not like everyone has ripped it off tons already. (Just remember that I said it here first).

I had just pumped chocolate fudge onto paparazzi’s Mt. Froyo.

Ok I don’t feel so bad now, Jen added gummy worms to her dinner. What is this Elf? That’s not food ahaha remember the smarties in the spaghetti? That movie just gets more hilarious with age.

I passed through the seven levels of the Candy Cane forest, through the sea of swirly twirly gum drops, and then I walked through the Lincoln Tunnel.

First we’ll make snow angels for two hours, then we’ll go ice skating, then we’ll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse Cookie-dough as fast as we can, and then we’ll snuggle.

And of course I notoriously love when he yells out I PAINTED A PICTURE OF A BUTTERFLY! on the phone. Ok back to reality now, Raymiality.

Dear Diary, I have found a new replacement for men today and it is called Yogurty’s. Love, ALL WOMEN.

I was just going to take back my previous silly joke but then I looked at a picture of the following.

And then we prepared to tuck in.

I performed a holy feminist voodoo food courtesy sparkle blog princess prayer of thanks and we were off. Heaven on BB UK is totally out to lunch and gives thanks to the stars and egyptian god of the sun and other ridiculous stuff, Teacher says she is saying AMON-RA which no one has chanted in over 4000 years. THE SUN KING! I LOVE REALITY TV. I think Raymiality TV is just as niche/neat sounding as Raymitheminx TV, yeah?

Wizard humour. LOVE MY BLINGY Butterfly. That’s two butterfly references now.

The paparazzi said Jen had an aristocratic thing going on. She has a nice smile too.

We gossiped up a storm, talked shop, and toasted cups to our excellence. We are lifers.

I guess blogs are a kind of sentence in a way, I am sentenced to life. Could write sentences for life, omg I tricked myself into this. Do you like my earrings? I wanted to match Yogurty’s. I’m a fan girl. Ps. @yogurtys on twitter. They’re ramping up a sweepstakes Ipad contest this Saturday all you gotta do is LIKE them on Facebook and you’re entered but I don’t want you to do that because I want to win it ;).

The quality of toppings are top-notch. Shavings of chocolate, actual shavings not splinters of chintzy stuff. Oodles of flavour in everything also it’s neat how the strawberries turn frozen throughout your eating experience from contact with the yogurt. I notice everything because I am obsessive like that I am like a Hello Kitty Woody Allen. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE LOVE ME.

Blaha I forgot to ask Jen what she thought about this yogurt, I think the empty tub was enough plus I was too conceited about how I had decorated mine with the utmost of deliciousness. Yes my competitiveness is exhausting, no there is no off button. Maybe for Ten thousand dollars I would go away for a month.

Next time I am hiring a hair and makeup team and not forgetting where I am. It’s hard though cos you are lulled into a dessert reverie and it feels like bubblegum therapy.

I liked that kid’s ride. Refrained from sitting in it.

I obsessed about these I passed on buying in Miami but then the same jewelry store was in San Diego so I got a chance of redemption. I blew $100 there and got a lot of stuff.

Cool attracts cool.

It’s easy to pretend to be listening to your girlfriend with diva shades on and a spoon in your mouth. Perf Girl’s night out Homebase.

Or a setting for a hilarious heist chick flick.

On your way out don’t forget to pose by their built-in red carpet back-drop.

I propose a contest for facebook for best customer catwalk. Win a Yogurty’s party.

Actually, no contest. We win.

I was copying Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate factory licking the snozzberry wallpaper. (Please don’t lick the walls of any Yogurty’s establishments, thank you).

Was just searching for blueberry properties (I know that schisandra berries are a super fruit according to my cleanse coach jeannette) on the internet then got seriously bored (buzzkilled) by wikipedia and still didn’t figure it out BUT I learned this interesting tidbit: Canadian exports of blueberries in 2007 were C$323 million, the largest fruit crop produced nationally, occupying more than half of all Canadian fruit acreage.

Um how much do you want to eat an Oreo cookie with fluorescent yellow icing the size of my head right now?

Just let me pick you up it will be a good idea I swear!

Next time, ball gowns and a new location. XOXO

ps. blog title is a play on FOR YOUR LOVE By the Yardbirds. I was a mod back in the mod club days in Toronto, but I was too cool to admit it. We’d dance to Mark Holmes’ (platinum blonde) spinning for your love (It’s just nice that the yardbirds post-humously endorse froyo, thanks guys!), and she’s a rainbow, taxman, all the good classic moddy tracks.