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surf photography of the 1960s and 1970s

the most flattering thing happened at work last nite. that guy who wanted to interview me about smoking weed (time window closed as all things tend to do for potheads, hmm, funny thing that) came by the central. we had just gotten busy so i didn’t really have a chance to talk and he was leaving anyway, but, as he left he slips me a five (just cos, didn’t even serve him) and proclaims pretty much to the entire bar i just want to tell you something, thank you for inspiring me to write. i threw my arms around him, said something retarded, then went back to work.

these little encounters/interactions with human beings are exactly the reason why i do this.

earlier on in the afternoon i bumped into jessica at some little coffee spot, my bladder was full and there wasn’t a bathroom. she was wearing shades in the window sitting alone, called out RAYMI to me. we gab for a bit and she opens up about depression. i tell her, don’t let it consume you, see the light at the end of it all, your stress, your life, your work, school, it’s only temporary. don’t let it be the bigger. i’m a sad, sad guy sometimes. i can find ten thousand reasons to be sad and sometimes i find i rather enjoy indulging myself in grandiose self-proclomations of oh my, i just can’t go on. but i know that i can because i’m not done failing at life yet and you aren’t either.

yesterday was such a great time, the weather, the company, the lets just amble and those days are reasons to not be sad, to not pack’er in cos you know there’ll be more and more of them.

it was suggested i take emo raymi and run with her for awhile. write a suicide letter a day. i think that would ring the alarm a little much but what are suicide letters if not but self love letters, no? dear world this is me and why you can no longer have me. it’s one’s last missive and truest self-realisation i think which is quite a pity but yes, write yourself a love letter a day, really fall in love with yourself. i guess that’s what i’m already doing here.

it’s not that i wanted to be famous, i just wanted to be something and i knew i’d have to make do with the looks i’ve got to make that happen. you try being flat as fuck with a big nose, see how quickly you grow a personality. blogging is merely my instrument.

harlettes rehearsal has been bumped an extra hour so now i got some time to dick around a little more, my personal favourite. i think i’m goin’ with the name Babette Von Vamp if they don’t poo poo it on me. maybe i’ll look up some Transylvanian names.

have an awesome day.

no wait, one more pretentious thing before i go. when i just moved in with mel and lucas i discovered the shower radio, for some point or other i mentioned it and how i liked groovin’ in there some days. it was posed to me, why, or, big deal rather. to which i said, it just makes me feel a part of the world which for the most part i make a point to notice how much i don’t feel a part of anything. ever.

little things, people. little things.

17 thoughts on “surf photography of the 1960s and 1970s

  1. you think YOU are flat Raymi i’m smaller than you lol i think you have quite nice boobs actually and your nose is NOT big.
    Just sayin’

  2. This is such a beautiful entry!! It really is the little things that we find joy in ourselves and the little things we might unknowingly do that make a world of difference to someone else. Thank you for sharing your struggles and triumphs with the world!

  3. yep, well said.

    and “you try being flat as fuck with a big nose, see how quickly you grow a personality” is one of the best lines ever…

  4. I like Babette, but not with Von Vamp. Maybe Babette Fonda?
    How about Tootsie Roll? Lotta Bang?
    BTW, your boobs are perfection

  5. Little things; huh!
    My 19 year old daughter was over today; and as we were giving birthday presents to her boyfriend, she blurted out “The greatest thing you ever gave me as a gift was the shower radio!!! I could go in there and blast that thing for hours!!”

    She was always a little shy and could be withdrawn at times. I picked it up because I was thinking, ” Did we get Kate enough stuff?” I had no clue that that radio would help her self esteem by letting her belt out Evernescence (sp?) tunes in the shower.

    I love what Jack said about Fairness after JFK said: life isn’t fair.
    Jack said “Life is life, kindness is kindness.” We can all be better people if we think like the Spiritual Jack. End of lecture.

  6. flat as fuck with a big nose?
    but long gorgeous legs, beautiful face, long silky hair, hot bod, style and funny. you are a catch!
    and i am not a lesbian.

  7. because of you, I am no longer ashamed of panic attacks…. when they happen, I now freak out a little, laugh a lot, and see them as a chance to embrace extreme emotions, which so many people never get to do. hurrah for being oddballs!

  8. i loved this entry…

    and i am also obsessed with rocking out in the shower. don’t have a full on shower-radio, but do have a radio on the bathroom counter to blast. starts the day on a proper vibe.

  9. LOVING the positivity, thats where its at. You’re especially beautiful lately, too. related?

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