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Someone’s stealing heaven

Went to Rheine yesterday – Rheine is a town in the district of Steinfurt in Westphalia, Germany. It is the largest town in the district and the location of Rheine Air Base. And that is the extent of my wikipedia knowledge for now.

Bike lock ghosts.

He’s got blue eyes. Would not stand beneath this sign.

Looking forward to clothes shopping. You can’t wear animal prints here cos they think that shit is stupid. WATCH ME. Ha. I forgot that some euros are fashion advanced so what looks cheesy to me here now in a year and a half everyone in North America will be doing. If I gave a fuck about fashion I’d write about it in length. Actually I do care about fashion but only my own everyone else can suck it.

This long streety street reminded me of Quebec City. Once you get to the top/end it turns in to open space, fountains, tables encircling the square, there’s a few squares, more like oblong blobs of cobblestone space and a few churches that on the hour sound off but are not synchronized and I suggested a techno beat with some dancing goths.

So love flower prints.

I could not find the perfume I wanted and I sprayed so much on it was hard to get to the bottom of so just went with some RL for Raymi Lauren. My teenage fail safe.

And Nail polish I can’t stop staring at the bottle of I can’t wait to paint my long minx talons.

The doctor said I have to wear better supported shoes and these are the only ones. Kinda gino euro anyway so they work/don’t care. I need fancier shoes. I NEED EVERYTHING.

Another warm day, very summer-like.

Ah duh H&M is German swedish I totally knew that lol. Didn’t go in because you do not come out empty handed.


This is six hours ahead of you in Toronto, 9 in Vancouver can you remember what you were doing? Sleeping, waking up? Also I totally spaced on 4/20 I can’t believe it, can you? I can. Can I? Hello? Oh well I’m sure I was baked or high or drunk in some capacity. ps. I met the mum yesterday finally and she asked if I smoked did drugs or drank and I said no to all three with the straightest poker face ever and at drinking I was like is this a trick question, a trap? So I went no not really without making eye contact once with bf and I think she believed all that phewf then I followed up with my mom is exactly the same. Swish.

Can you guess who my favourite person is in this entire picture ahhahaa and what I called them.

Bike p0rn everywhere. Almost car doored a kid yesterday OOPS. LOL ahhaa whatever he came way too close to us, I swung the door open too fast, had to pee just woke up from a car nap attack. Later I saw him riding on his back wheel in the street (dangerous, fast cars bro) wearing a Gucci fanny pack wtf so whatever ya little dink. I will be more cautious from now on though, even in walking it’s dangerous there’s bikes coming from all directions at all times it’s nuts.

The trees give it a Tim Burton look.

The Raymi gives it a Raymilicious look.

Have lots of pics of this square.

Cute place. Debated which table exactly to sit at for a bit, see that lone couple there happy in the false sense of privacy should we go ruin their moment? We didn’t sit there, he chose while I went to the (correct!) bathroom and then I saw that the shade hits that part of the patio first so he chose good.

Hey where you going? Excuuuuse me.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :).

Jules says it’s very chic that I’m living in Europe COME VISIT MEEEEEEEEE.

Chic like a fox.

Love this camera and that little German Santa Claus. Germs are adamant about their privacy and he keeps warning me about taking pictures like if you walk in to my photo then it’s fair game I’m not going up in to your face and taking paparazzi shots I don’t do that at home either but I cringe in advance for the awkward situation where I imagine being screamed at in German and I can’t understand any of it. For once in my life I am mute, it’s rather relaxing.

We conversate enough together. When people hear me speak in the supermarket or anywhere some of them turn theirs heads so fast they get whiplash because it’s not common to hear a North American here we have the most plain sounding voices IMO and then they look me over and start wondering what exactly the hell it is they are staring at. He says I am an alien to them, and in Aruba too. GOOD! I love being different.

My hair looked really long yesterday (unclipped) and this morning like a long ratty weed. YAY success. I only brought two pairs of sunglasses with me and I’m already bored of them, no wait I brought my zany pink and my multi-coloured fakebans but those are for party time or the beach not walking around Germany in.

Spontaneous German/Dutch lessons in the car on the street, at market, holy crap it’s too funny. Dutch words are sooo long too and hard to read when you’re driving 180km on the A1 aka Autobahn aka Hitler highway he made it!!

Someone has sentimental attachment to my stupid socks. I threw one at him in bed last night and he cradled it on the pillow okay I will stop grossing you out with our honeymooning. No guarantees.

It’s almost yoga time. He says yoga, joga, yoghurt, joghurt and I’m like what? what? What???

Post partio walk is always goofy times. I’m hobbling down the incline. Gimptastical. Tomorrow I have another appointment with the fisio.

I forgot to upload a picture of the schnitzel we shared. Next time.

Meanwhile this patio had way less party going on.

All teens back home’s dream.

Omg I’ve heard so much about car auctions and polish people to last a life time.

I’ve been wearing blue mascara lately cos I ran out of everything else, it’s less harsh and goes with my complexion and my eyes but also has that weird factor that is pleasing.

Coffee delivery yesterday. Go through lots of these.

This morning’s breakfast. On dark brown bread.

From ‘is mum. Okay blow-dry time buh-bye. btw blog post title is from something in Aruba I thought he had said but was actually something else mumbled incoherently altogether and I asked WHAT? SOMEONE’S STEALING HEAVEN? That is awesome! The brain hears what it wants to hear. We must have been talking about crime and bad boy way of life/live for today philosophies of some sort or other.

16 thoughts on “Someone’s stealing heaven

  1. Looks like Canada’s Wonderland – kidding! (not kidding!)

    Have fun! Jealous but not really cause super happy for you. Just wish I was there to share a cocktail or 5 with you.


  2. euro trash?

    Love that bike photo. Can you take as many bike photos as you can and I will submit them to my photography site. Also, hanging laundry too.

  3. One of my favourite things to do is read your blog entries on my phone. I really like your recent entries. It’s great to see your perspective on somewhere new and to read what new adventure you’re having in life. Good to see you’re happy!

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