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i am watching this right now and laughing at the part when cid shows up.

dear raymi

I was just reading through your blog tonight for the first time in a
while. Still good quality material, i wanted to say.

-At which points in your daily routine does your life end, and blogs begin?

i asked fil how to answer this and he said “the minute you turn on the computer in the morning” then i got mad because i didn’t think he was taking it seriously enough, but then i realized i guess he’s kind of right. personally, i don’t think there is a line separating the two, i go about my business whatever it may be and if i think it’s interesting enough to share, then i’ll share it. my life is very blog oriented and my blog is very life oriented.

-Is it cool to think that as a professional blogger, your job is to
essentially, well, live.

yeah it’s pretty neat, it can be a little overwhelming at times, like a circus monkey always having to perform, but i am basically doing what i always wanted to be doing, which is essentially “nothing”, as matthew mcconaughey said in dazed and confused L.I.V.I.N.

-At which points does the blog dictate who you are and how you behave?

i dictate the blog, over time any creation has the capacity to seem like a monster that is controlling you, i try to cool it as much as i can and not let it consume me so much (pfft), at least i don’t dream about my blog. exactly what you see on my blog is who i am, there are times when i am being over-the-top inside joke with myself facetious (typically when i am hungover/drunk-still giggles) where even i don’t know what i am really getting at, other than that, all as is.

oh i just heard of a new word, one of the new words of 2007 apparently: BLOGOLLUM – a blog that gets out of your control and starts controlling what you do.

And, for the record also: i actually do my best to vote for you when i
can……blog award…stuff….

thanks bro!



oh and don’t forget to vote and spread the vote word thanks! here’s how:

best blog. do you want the conservatives to win?

best personal blog. i open up to you i share my feelings i make it personal you know?

best humour blog. yes yes i’m a funny guy i make the jokes.

and for philogynist:

best photo/art blog. dude bought a pro camera for lots of coin and he has to deal with me, give him something.

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