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a moment with raymi and her mom

Tracey says:


raymi says:


Tracey says:


raymi says:


raymi says:

all i see is (wave)

Tracey says:


Tracey says:

do you not have msn 7.0 downloaded

raymi says:

no i dont

Tracey says:

get Phil to download it for you, its much better

raymi says:

uh i am highly capable of downloading it myself mom

raymi says:

is this what you do all day, send emoticons to your friends?

Tracey says:

then do it I can send you some neat things

raymi says:

not interested

raymi says:

that shit is obnoxious

Tracey says:

I’m about to leave, doing the run for the cure on sunday do you want to sponser me

raymi says:

the cure for what, homosexuality?

Tracey says:

can I come over to your house I need you to show me how to crop photos,

Tracey says:

no for the cancer cure

raymi says:

i know i was kidding

Tracey says:

where is your heart Lauren

raymi says:

sure ill sponsor you

Tracey says:

k when can I come over

raymi says:

you’re all new-agey and stuff now

raymi says:

ill come over there and show you

raymi says:

after the weekend

Tracey says:

not at all I’m just living a more positive life, you should be proud of me for a change don’t you think I’ve survived a lot of negative things you should try and be proud of me

raymi says:

i am proud of you i wasnt at all being negative

Tracey says:

I am a good person lauren

Tracey says:

try not to hurt people

raymi says:


Tracey says:

you never seem to see the good Im doing

raymi says:

i do see it holy fuck do you know how to read

raymi says:

raymi says: you’re all new-agey and shit now

raymi says:

how is that bad?

Tracey says:

I’m healthy thats a good way to be

Tracey says:

I cleaned out my closet do you want any of my clothes

raymi says:

put them aside

Tracey says:


Tracey says:

do you want this for your blog

Tracey says:

I don’t care anymore if you write stuff

raymi says:

yeh i was already cutting and pasting it

Tracey says:

k let me do a blog spot I think the producer would like the idea

Tracey says:

I’m a funny writer

raymi says:

i should make u yer own blog

Tracey says:

I have a huge following on msn

raymi says:

a huge following on msn how is that possible?

Tracey says:

no, it would eat up my life

raymi says:

not anymore than u already allow the internet to

raymi says:

ok i have to go leave me alone now

Tracey says:

I have so many people that want to talk to me cause I’m bright and funny so put me on your fucking blog they will love us

raymi says:

will u leave me alone

Tracey says:

k, let me know how the meeting goes, I want to blog with you it will be like the Osbornes

raymi says:

i have ads on my blog its an actual job now

raymi says:

yer so fucking vain

Tracey says:

k well let me blog you are vain too

raymi says:


Tracey says:

we can be vain together can you phone me after the meeting

raymi says:

sure BYE

Tracey says:

and tell me how you want me to blog with you

raymi says:

oh my god shut up

Tracey says:

k thanks lovely daughter

Tracey says:

don’t forget where your brain and good looks comes from

Tracey says:

call me later ox

raymi says:

uh my brains come from dad’s side

Tracey says:

no way hon

Tracey says:

we see things the same way

raymi says:

maybe my mental retardation comes from you

Tracey says:

we are both nuts

raymi says:


raymi says:

ok bye for real im blocking you

Tracey says:

have to be nutty to see such art

Tracey says:

thanks for all your support

Tracey says:

bye for now oxox

Tracey says:


raymi says:

yes yes

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